🔥 Unleash Your Inner Fat-Burning Beast: The 36-Hour Fasting Revolution!🔥

Fasting, once deeply rooted in religious and spiritual practices, has now become a powerful tool for optimising health. Dr. Mindy Pelz, a renowned expert, sheds light on the science behind fasting and its transformative effects. Let’s explore the world of 36-hour fasting, guided by Dr. Pelz’s wisdom.


What Is a 36-Hour Fast?

A 36-hour fast involves abstaining from all caloric intake for a continuous period of 36 hours. Unlike shorter intermittent fasting windows (such as 16/8 or 18/6), a 36-hour fast pushes your body into a deeper state of ketosis and autophagy.

Benefits of 36-Hour Fasts

  1. Enhanced Fat Burning:

    • During a 36-hour fast, your body depletes its glycogen stores and switches to burning stored fat for energy. This can accelerate weight loss and improve body composition. Note: I started following the fasting protocol outlined in the Fast like a girl book since January 2024 and have lost over a stone already. Experiences will vary but I wanted to share my own for context.

  2. Improved Insulin Sensitivity:

    • Fasting helps regulate blood sugar levels and enhances insulin sensitivity. Over time, this may reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes.

  3. Cellular Autophagy:

    • Autophagy is the process by which your cells remove damaged components and recycle them. A longer fasting window triggers autophagy, promoting cellular repair and longevity.

  4. Mental Clarity and Focus:

    • Some people report increased mental clarity during extended fasts. The absence of food-related distractions allows for better concentration.

  5. Reduced Inflammation:

    • Fasting reduces inflammatory markers in the body, potentially benefiting overall health and preventing chronic diseases.

Getting Started with a 36-Hour Fast

  1. Consult Your Healthcare Provider:

    • Before starting any fasting regimen, it is always advised to consult your doctor, especially if you have underlying health conditions.

  2. Hydrate Well:

    • During the fast, drink plenty of water. Herbal teas and black coffee can also be consumed by some people without a spike in blood sugar levels, but this varies across individuals. Proper hydration is crucial to a successful fast.

  3. Ease into It:

    • If you’re new to fasting, start with shorter fasting windows (e.g., 13 hours) and gradually extend them. Hours asleep are counted as fasting hours, which makes things easier and a world of difference!

  4. Choose Your Timing Wisely:

    • Plan your fast around your schedule. Some people prefer starting after dinner and ending the next day at breakfast. I personally like to end my 36 hour fasts by 7.30pm, which can then be broken at 7.30am at the 36 hour mark. However, I often go on for longer than 36 due to not feeling hungry and my work schedule.

  5. Stay Busy:

    • Distract yourself during fasting hours to avoid focusing on food. Engage in work, hobbies, or light exercise. Being busy is a godsend during times you feel hungry. But like I said, I rarely get hungry on a 36 hour and you may not too!

Tools and Resources

  1. Fasting Apps:

    • Zero and Life Fasting Tracker are popular apps that help track fasting hours, provide reminders, and offer community support. I use the free version of the LIFE app and absolutely love it for tracking my fasts and how I feel throughout. Definitely recommend it!

  2. Educational Books:

    • Read books like “The Complete Guide to Fasting” by Dr. Jason Fung or “The Obesity Code” for in-depth knowledge. I personally follow the advice in the Fast like a girl” book by Dr Mindy Pelz.

  3. Online Communities:

    • Join forums or social media groups where people share their fasting experiences, tips, and success stories. If you do purchase the Fast Like A Girl book, you’ll have some recommended tools and links to Dr Mindy’s fasting community on facebook - which I personally love using as motivation, inspiration and to educate myself on other people’s experiences of fasting.

  4. Learn more from Dr. Mindy Pelz’s resources:

Remember, fasting isn’t suitable for everyone. Listen to your body, be mindful of any adverse effects, and adjust your fasting approach accordingly. Always prioritsze your health and well-being.

Happy fasting! 🌟