Refresh Your Body and Enhance Your Health This Summer!


Now that summer is officially here, it’s time to enjoy its golden sunshine and rejuvenating warmth! Using this time to also revitalise body and health is something many of us are prioritising right now; whether through finally shedding the excess winter weight or revitalising energy levels; this post is talking some of our most effective strategies to help create a healthier version of yourself this season.

Stay Hydrated

As temperatures heat up rapidly, staying properly hydrated becomes even more critical for maintaining body functions, digestion and general well-being. Be sure to bring along a water bottle wherever you go and aim to consume at least eight glasses daily as a minimum daily goal; incorperating foods rich in water like melons, cucumbers and berries as ways of increasing fluid consumption in your diet as an additional means.
Top tip: watermelon is also a great way to keep your dogs cool and hydrated during warmer weather too!

Take Part in Outdoor Activities

Summer provides many enjoyable and invigorating outdoor activities to make exercise feel less taxing; swimming, hiking, bicycling or tennis - to name a few of my faves! Making use of longer days and warmer temperatures by engaging in these pursuits can boost mood, reduce stress levels and enhance vitamin D absorption through sun exposure.

Are you getting enough Zzz?

Quality restful slumber is vital to overall well-being and body rejuvenation; the experts recommend around seven to nine hours each night of quality sleep and there are many ways that you can create the ideal environment to make this easier. Create the optimal conditions by keeping the bedroom dark, cool, and free from distractions; establish relaxing bedtime rituals like reading before retiring to restful sleep or taking a warm bath as ways of unwinding before turning in for deep slumber.

Add Fresh Fruits and Vegetables to Your Diet

Summer brings with it an abundance of seasonal, fresh fruits and vegetables filled with essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other vital components essential to overall body wellness. Take full advantage of summer by filling your plate with colourful produce such as berries, cherries, watermelons tomatoes leafy greens zucchini. These flavorful snacks not only taste amazing but can support optimal hydration along with digestive processes! Why not find the perfect taco salad topping for your dish this season? 

Practice Mindful Eating

Integrating mindful eating practices into your summer routine by pausing to appreciate each bite as you consume slowly can lead to healthier food choices as well as appreciating the nutrition your body is receiving from all the good stuff we eat everyday. Mindful eating is all about paying close attention to flavours, textures, smells and signals about hunger and fullness that your body sends to you. This approach to eating will allow for reduced overeating as well as full appreciation of the foods we’re eating.

Embarking on Grilled and Lighter Meal Options

Summer is an excellent opportunity to discover lighter meal options that are tasty and nutritional. Let’s face it, who really has the stomach for heavy stews and other comfort foods in summer? Grilling adds irresistibly delicious smoky flavour while simultaneously cutting fat levels by up to 60%! Good choices are skinless chicken breasts, fish, tofu, bell peppers zucchini eggplant as these won’t overload you on calories.

Final Thoughts

For an enjoyable summer full of wellness, mindfulness and conscious living look to some of the activities recommended above, among many others that we could go on and on about in this post. Staying hydrated, engaging in outdoor activities, getting enough restful sleep, eating fruits and veggies regularly as part of a nutritious diet plan and practicing mindful eating are great ways to rejuvenate, energise and strengthen yourself - perfect opportunities given during this season for mindful reflection and that added self care that we all so desperately need. Enjoy an abundantly fruitful season ahead.